Thursday, August 02, 2007

Empire Commuter: Everybody gets something but us

Passengers on Amtrak's high-end overnight trips will get a $100 credit towards purchases at the bar while the union representing many of Amtrak's engineers may get their first contract in almost eight years.

And the Albany Times-Union breathlessly reports that "state agricultural officials ... gathered at the Rensselaer Rail Station to celebrate a new initiative promoting 'agritourism' to Amtrak passengers .... A 16-page Pride of New York supplement included in Amtrak's annual New York By Rail magazine was funded by a $50,000 state grant .... [which] comes from a pot of $1 million for agritourism promotion included for the first time in the 2006-07 state budget. The money helps Amtrak encourage more leisure travel within New York, said railroad spokesman Clifford Cole."

What about people who want to have a drink and then go home at a reasonable hour?

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