Amtrak has announced a major security initiative to screen of passengers before boarding although I haven't seen any evidence of it on the Empire Line. A good analysis of the futility of the project can be found on the libertarian website Wonkette also has a great take on the absurdity.
On other fronts, I recently had some problems getting my Guest Rewards points for the purchase of my commuter passes. After a long call to Customer Relations I was told it was because I had used vouchers I received for late trains. Apparently this prevents the automatic crediting of your purchase towards Guest Rewards points. I was then told to call Guest Rewards after each purchase if I used a voucher. Is this a new scam to discourage people from what Amtrak management probably considers "double-dipping"?
On other fronts, I recently had some problems getting my Guest Rewards points for the purchase of my commuter passes. After a long call to Customer Relations I was told it was because I had used vouchers I received for late trains. Apparently this prevents the automatic crediting of your purchase towards Guest Rewards points. I was then told to call Guest Rewards after each purchase if I used a voucher. Is this a new scam to discourage people from what Amtrak management probably considers "double-dipping"?